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Microneedling Aftercare: Day-by-Day Timeline & Recovery Tips

When considering any type of cosmetic procedure, it is important to understand the pre- and post-procedure steps necessary to achieve optimal results. If your goal is younger-looking, glowing skin, follow this guide for pre-appointment tips and microneedling aftercare.

What is SkinPen Microneedling?

image of the SkinPen

As the first FDA-cleared microneedling device, SkinPen microneedling is clinically proven to improve facial skin, especially neck wrinkles and acne scars. This noninvasive option is a safe, effective way to unlock more vibrant, younger-looking skin.

It is recommended that three 30-minute treatments be spaced 30 days apart. After each session, the skin begins healing, resulting in renewed and rejuvenated surfaces. Benefits can last for up to six months after your last treatment.

Studies show 90% of patients would recommend the procedure to their friends and family.

Overall, SkinPen microneedling is:

How Does It Work?

SkinPen microneedling creates microscopic holes on the surface of your skin to jumpstart its natural wound-healing process. Tissues are rebuilt as your skin repairs these microchannels, leaving you with smoother and more refreshed-looking skin.

Because the procedure does not involve heat or chemicals, SkinPen microneedling is safe for all skin types and tones. There is little to no downtime, and most patients can return to their normal activities within a day.

Using a patented three-step process, SkinPen microneedling visibility transforms skin. Here’s how:

  1. Inflammation — During the treatment, microneedles trigger your skin’s immune system response. This will increase blood flow and spark the creation of new tissue.
  2. Proliferation — As the body works to repair these “micro-wounds,” new cells and collagen proteins and a new network of blood vessels are established.
  3. Remodeling — As your skin heals, the wounds are replaced with new blood vessels and dermal tissues. The collagen and elastin proteins revitalize the skin, leaving you looking more vibrant and youthful.

Is It Safe?

woman thinking

SkinPen microneedling is trusted by leading skincare professionals and dermatologists to create smoother skin and show off a more radiant you. It is FDA-cleared and clinically proven to be safe and effective. Using your body’s natural healing process to deliver results, SkinPen microneedling is one of the fastest-growing in-office procedures worldwide.

Please note: Microneedling should not be used on the treatment area of individuals who have active skin cancer, open wounds, sores, or irritated skin, a stainless-steel allergy or an allergy to anesthetics, bleeding disorders or dysfunctions, are pregnant or nursing, or are currently taking medications such as Accutane.

Your treatment provider can discuss any of these conditions to determine if microneedling or another aesthetic service is right for you.

What Can I Expect During The Procedure?

image of a woman getting microneedling done on their face

Before your microneedling appointment, it is important to take several precautions, including:

  • Avoid sun exposure or sunburn 24 hours prior.
  • Do not use topical retinoid creams 24 hours prior.
  • If you have an active breakout or open lesion, consult your provider about rescheduling your appointment.

A SkinPen microneedling session takes roughly 30 minutes and is complete in just a few simple steps:

  1. Your provider will gently cleanse your skin to prepare for the procedures.
  2. Topical anesthesia is available for clients who want to minimize any discomfort.
  3. A hydrogel is applied to the surface of the treatment area so the SkinPen can easily move across your skin.
  4. The SkinPen is applied to the skin to create microchannels that promote your body’s natural healing response.

What Is The Microneedling Aftercare Day-By-Day Timeline?

Your practitioner will guide you through your procedure, but you can also use this guide as a quick reference point for microneedling aftercare, day by day.

Immediately After Your Microneedling Procedure

Skin Expectation

On the day of your SkinPen microneedling procedure, your skin will likely feel dry, tight, and may burn.

You Should…

  • Wash your face only if needed. Although it is not generally recommended to wash your face following microneedling, use a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser if necessary.
  • Use serums or gels as prescribed. If your treatment provider recommends aftercare products, follow their instructions and apply them as directed. A hydrating ointment, such as Aquaphor, can also provide a protective layer for the skin to aid healing.

You Should Not…

  • Touch your face. This will help prevent further irritation and possible infection.
  • Use your usual skincare products. Avoid your usual skincare tools and products until your skin is healing, especially retinoids, AHAs, or BHAs, or vitamin C. Do not exfoliate or undergo any other facial treatments.
  • Work out or lift heavy objects. Working out is off-limits for the first few days because physical activity can clog your pores, lead to infections, or cause breakouts.
  • Expose your skin to the sun. Keeping your skin out of the sun is critical, but if it cannot be avoided, shield your face with a wide-brimmed hat and apply a moisturizing, high-SPF sunscreen.
  • Use makeup. Do not use makeup in the first few days following your procedure. This allows the skin to stay free of bacteria and minimizes the risk of infection.
  • Take ibuprofen. If necessary, choose another pain reliever, but avoid ibuprofen. It can interfere with the healing process.
  • Drink alcohol or caffeine. These substances can cause dehydration and slow skin repair.
  • Spend extended periods in water. Avoid long showers, hot baths, spas, and saunas. Avoid swimming in pools or the ocean.

One Day After Your SkinPen Microneedling

Skin Expectation

One day after your microneedling procedure, your skin will remain pink or red. It may look mildly sunburned. You may also experience bruising or slight swelling. Itching, dryness, and tightness are also normal.

You Should…

  • Continue minimal skincare. Use a gentle cleanser as necessary, along with moisturizing products. Wash your face using lukewarm water, making sure your hand motions are as gentle as possible. Do not rub your face dry—gently pat it instead.
  • Consider serums with hyaluronic acid. As long as they do not contain any of the previously mentioned ingredients, HA can be helpful in healing.
  • Hydrate. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and support your skin cell regeneration.
  • To help with inflammation, use a cooling or hydrating face mask (free of abrasive ingredients). You can also apply a cool, damp cloth for comfort and to reduce swelling.
  • Optional: If you want to boost your skin’s rejuvenation further, consider incorporating the following oral supplements: Omega 3, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Glucosamine.

You Should Not…

  • Stop carefully protecting your skin. Continue following the eight guidelines outlined under the previous section.

Two and Three Days After Microneedling

Skin Expectation

Depending on your treatment, your skin’s condition can vary two to three days after treatment. You should experience less redness and swelling. Skin sensitivity may linger but should also be reduced. Some patients report a dry, scratchy feeling on their face. Peeling may begin or cause a mild breakout, but this is normal.

You Should…

  • Start re-incorporating your normal skincare products into your routine. Stick with hydrating products, like serums and moisturizers. Avoid abrasive products and products that may irritate your skin.
  • Begin working out lightly. If your skin is not too sensitive, it is safe to reintroduce light physical activity back into your routine. Be sure to wash your face with a mild and gentle cleanser after.
  • If you choose, you may begin applying light makeup. If you are unsure, consult with your treatment provider first to ensure your skin is ready.
  • Stay hydrated. Keep drinking water to enhance your skin’s cell regeneration.

You Should Not…

  • Use irritating skincare products and devices. For now, any products containing retinoids, AHAs, BHAs, vitamin C, or other acids are off the list.
  • Stay outdoors for extended periods. Continue limiting sun exposure, wear a hat, and use a high-SPF sunscreen outside.
  • Pick your dry skin. Picking at peeling skin can affect your body’s natural healing process and introduce bacteria from your hands and fingers.

Four and Five Days After the Procedure

Skin Expectation

By this time, the microchannels created by your SkinPen microneedling procedure should have been sealed. Most of the subsequent side effects should be gone or nearly gone by now. If you experience more peeling, this is normal due to increased cell reproduction.

You Should…

  • So long as your skin is healed, you can reintroduce all your skincare products. Try one product at a time to check for irritation after each.
  • Add a hyaluronic serum if you have not already. This will help re-moisturize your skin.
  • Wear makeup if you would like. You can return to your normal makeup routine now, but consider adding a tinted sunscreen to help moisturize and protect against the sun.

You Should Not…

  • Stress out your skin. Although your skin is feeling back to normal, it’s important to avoid additional treatments and irritating tools for now. Also, do not pick at your face if it is still peeling.

Six Days Post Microneedling: Hello Healed Skin!

Your skin should feel healed entirely as long as you have followed the best aftercare for microneedling. You may even see an improvement in its texture.

Although you are well on your way to seeing those glowing results, it is still important to continue wearing sunscreen. Avoid invasive procedures that could impact your skin’s barrier for a few additional weeks. Also, skip fake tanner and alcohol-based toner for a couple of weeks.

You should begin to see improvement in pigmentation at week three. By week four, you should see improvements in your fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.

If you have any concerns throughout your healing journey, contact your practitioner.

Experience Microneedling for Yourself in Naperville

After reviewing the steps necessary to prepare for the procedure and the microneedling aftercare instructions, you can book your appointment with an expert provider.

At Santé, the premiere destination for luxurious body and mind enhancements, their talented and experienced health experts are ready to assist you with a safe, highly effective plan to meet your skincare needs.

Santé is proud to be a leading SkinPen microneedling provider in Naperville, IL. Santé is also pleased to serve the surrounding areas of Aurora and other Chicago suburbs.

To learn more or book a consultation, call (630) 586-6278 or fill out the online form below.

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